So, Valentine's day is coming up fast! In fact, it is 6 days away. (Yikes!) I'm not too worried, though, I've got my husband's gift covered. I got him this funny t-shirt from

. It works for him on many levels. First, that equation at the bottom is the real equation for finding the volume of a disc. Also, it spells pizza. V=pi*z*z*a. It's genius, I know!
Now, I'll try and wrap it up real nice and throw in something a little more romantic as well, but I think I did pretty good this year! I have no idea what our plans are for the holiday, but I'm sure it will be great. We've now officially made it though our first 6 months of marriage and we haven't killed each other yet. I think that calls for a celebration. If nothing else, it sets a pretty good precedent.
I really enjoy Valentine's day on a level not limited to my marriage. I like handing out baked goods and paper hearts and, at least jokingly, sharing the love with all my special somebodies. (also known as all my girls!) I think I just remember elementary school, and how much fun it was to make a fancy construction paper and lace covered drug-store card Valentine receptacle out of an old shoe box with a hole cut in the top. I remember sifting though all the valentines I got and thinking about how the style chosen usually reflected the sender's personality very well. I know some hated it, but I loved the fact that we had to give a valentine to everyone. I always got a secret joy out of giving the extra-nice valentine with my favorite character or picture or cool hologram on it to that shy dorky, sometimes kind of weird kid that no one really liked to talk to. You know, the one that was inevitably in every class? The real life Ralph Wiggum in every elementary class. Sometimes, that kid was me, but when it wasn't, I liked to give them a little something extra to make them feel special.
As for more recent Valentine's Days, it has become less and less of a big deal. On campus, no one is dressed up special or handing out paper cut-out hearts or drugstore valentines. I think everyone tries to protect the feelings of the single folks. I thin people have made Valentine's day an at-home kind of thing so as not to upset friends without a "special somebody". I plan on enjoying myself anyways, though. I'm planing on baking some valentine's sugar cookies to hand out at my husband's job (very small group of coworkers) and getting some ridiculous and very childish valentines to hand out at work. (I'm pretty close friends with all my coworkers)
All things considered, I am excited for Valentine's Day this year. Happy Valentine's Day!