Thursday, October 27, 2011

How to Write a Romance Novel

The formula is perfect, spot on, really.Oh, and let's not forget that the example made me literally laugh out loud. I don't mean the normal chuckle that one lets out when reading something funny while sitting on the couch alone, but a full-on laugh out loud. ( and due to my allergies today, not a sexy laugh. More like, if a normal laugh got a flat tire. "Weh-he-he-he-he". eww.) This article from the Hairpin made me just about fall off the couch. Read it and enjoy, friends. PS-Some language may not be safe for work.

Read the article here.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

For all the Other Walking Dead Fans...

Here's a link to a cool photo essay on what it takes to become a Walking Dead zombie. So cool!

From Human to Corpse: Walking Dead Makeup

Also, check out this other blog about season 2 of the Walking Dead.

Console Case Mods That Make me Smile.

I really like the steampunk PS3, but these are all pretty awesome. Google image search awesome case mod and some really creative stuff comes up. Being a geek and a gamer myself, these make my inner nerd smile. :)

It's-a Mario!

Oh dear Lord, that is awesome.

I love anything steam punk! This steampunk PS3 is way cool.

Wall-E makes a cute computer.

Tardis PC case mod!

HolyToledo! a steampunk laptop!


Hello Kitty.

Halo Xbox 360.

FarCry2 PS3