This week: A Trifecta of stupid!
John White, pictured, hit a trifecta of stupidity this week, according to police in Orem, UT.
He allegedly stole a two telephones from a gas station attendant and fled.
Mistake Numero Uno: White accidentally left a slip of paper with an address written on it at the crime scene, say police. They headed to that location to see if they might find White there.
But imagine the officers' gratitude when their easy day got even easier.
Mistake Deux: On the drive over, a young man flagged down their squad car to ask for directions to the very same address where they were heading. A closer look at the lost stranger revealed him to be none other than John White.
Mistake Tre: He was allegedly carrying pot, not to mention the stolen cell phone, when he was caught asking for directions.
One Orem officer noted, "I tell you, I can't make this stuff up."