Ok, so you may have noticed that I was gone for spring break! Well, I wasn't gone, really. I was here, at home, but I was taking a break from all my usual activities. I still had my time filled, though! We are getting ready to move in a week or two, so I have been packing up the house. It's amazing how much stuff we had hanging around that either we didn't use, or was complete trash. We made a huge pile of items to give away to charity, and have taken out countless bags of trash so far. The worst part is that we're not done yet. We still need to pack up the office and most of the kitchen. Sigh, so much to do!
Also, I am still (emphasis on still) waiting to hear back from UTA about the nursing program. Still. I'm getting extremely frustrated with the situation, and the constant questions I get from everyone around me. I;m so sick of getting asked "Did you hear yet?" and having to answer "No, I'll tell you when I hear back", only to be asked again the next day. Grrrrr.
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