Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Internet Meme Halloween costumes

A Rick Roll


Flying Spaghetti Monster

Keyboard Cat

Double Rainbow Guy

Universal Truths I Have Learned in Nursing

Thisis the face we make at you when you say something stupid. "You cannot be serious."

Nobody wants to drink water. Except patients on fluid restrictions. Those are the thirstiest people on earth.

Everybody loves pudding.

Wash your hands.

Being on a clear liquid diet will make you hate jell-o forever.

If pee is the worst body fluid you got on yourself today, you had a good day.

I fully apologize for complaining about school cafeteria food for all those years. I have now had hospital cafeteria food.

Nursing Students are easy to spot on Campus. They are usually dressed in either their uniform, or they are wearing sweat pants and an exhausted look.

The “lethal” level of caffeine is just a helpful guideline.

Wash your hands.

First graders are right, poop is funny.

If it's wet, and it's not yours, don't touch it!

A call light is NOT a toy.

All bleeding stops. Eventually.

To be right is only half the battle, to convince the patient is the harder part.

Wash your hands!

When you're sick, take heart. Nurses are there because we truly care about people. And yes, we ARE laughing at you.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Letters from Dracula

I know it's little early for Halloween, but it's one of my most favorite of holidays, so I just couldn't wait. Now that Dracula has his own stationery, he has comoplaints to register! Here is one reposted:

Dearest Emmy Judges,
I have weathered what seems like a thousand seasons of mediocre TV and I will weather a thousand more. In all those toilsome years I have glimpsed true art but once. That you should forsake "Two and a Half Men" and leave its cast bereft of award statuette sickens me to my blackened core. Who else but the unassailable Charlie Sheen could portray such a nuanced and whimsical character? And yet he receives no nomination? This betrayal is most egregious, and I shall not hesitate to subject any and all of you to my unnatural thirst. Your children, too, shall come to know my taste for blood.

I have started a Facebook fan page in protest. Already my friend and associate, the Mummy, has "liked" it. That is two powerful enemies you have made in record time.

Be warned!

Yours forever,

P.S. What do you think of my stationery letterhead? After what seems like centuries, I am finally embracing the dark and wondrous frontiers of desktop publishing

See them all here.

Monday, September 13, 2010

7 Latin Phrases You Pretend to Understand

1. Caveat Emptor
“Let the buyer beware”
Before money-back guarantees and 20-year warranties, caveat emptor was indispensable advice for the consumer. These days, it’d be more fitting to have it tattooed on the foreheads of used-car salesmen, infomercial actors, and prostitutes. For extra credit points, remember that caveat often makes solo appearances at cocktail parties as a fancy term for a warning or caution. Oh, and just so you know, caveat lector means “let the reader beware.”

2. Persona Non Grata
“An unacceptable person”
Remember your old buddy, the one everybody called Tank? Now picture him at a debutante ball, and you’ll start to get a sense of someone with persona non grata status. The term is most commonly used in diplomatic circles to indicate that a person is unwelcome due to ideological differences or a breach of trust. Sometimes, the tag refers to a pariah, a ne’er-do-well, or a killjoy, but it’s always subjective.

3. Habeas Corpus
“You have the body”
When you wake up in the New Orleans Parish Prison after a foggy night at Mardi Gras, remember this one. In a nutshell, habeas corpus is what separates us from savages. It’s the legal principle that guarantees an inmate the right to appear before a judge in court, so it can be determined whether or not that person is being lawfully imprisoned. It’s also one of the cornerstones of the American and British legal systems. Without it, tyrannical and unjust imprisonments would be possible. In situations where national security is at risk, however, habeas corpus can be suspended.

4. Cogito Ergo Sum
“I think, therefore I am”
When all those spirited mental wrestling matches you have about existentialism start growing old (yeah, right!), you can always put an end to the debate with cogito ergo sum. Descartes, the 17th-century French philosopher, coined the phrase as a means of justifying reality. According to him, nothing in life could be proven except one’s thoughts. That makes sense, right?

5. Quid Pro Quo
“You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”
Given that quid pro quo refers to a deal or trade, it’s no wonder the Brits nicknamed their almighty pound the “quid.” And if you give someone some quid, you’re going to expect some quo. The phrase often lives in the courtroom, where guilt and innocence are the currency. It’s the oil that lubricates our legal system.

6. Ad Hominem
“To attack the man”
In the world of public discourse, ad hominem is a means of attacking one’s rhetorical opponent by questioning his or her reputation or expertise rather than sticking to the issue at hand. Translation: Politicians are really good at it. People who resort to ad hominem techniques are usually derided as having a diluted argument or lack of discipline. If pressed, they’ll brandish it like a saber and refuse to get back to the heart of the matter. Who said the debate team doesn’t have sex appeal?

7. Memento Mori
“Remember, you must die”
Carpe diem is so 20th century. If you’re going to suck the marrow out of life, trying doing it with the honest, irrefutable, and no less inspiring memento mori. You can interpret the phrase in two ways: Eat, drink, and party down. Or, less hedonistically, be good so you can get past the pearly gates. Naturally, the latter was the one preferred by the early Christian Church, which would use macabre art—including dancing skeletons and snuffed-out candles—to remind the faithful to forgo temporal pleasures in favor of eternal bliss in heaven. The phrase also served to prevent swelling heads. Some historians say that victorious, parading Roman generals would have servants stand behind them and whisper “memento mori” in their ears to keep their egos in check.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Post-It Art!

Elvis Presley

By far one of the coolest ones:

“Mother Creativity” was the winner of a 3M contest to get artists to create something using only their Post-It brand notes. Two teens from Florida won with this entry, which was recreated large-scale in NYC’s Grand Central Station using 100,000 sticky notes.


It took David Alvarez more than 10,000 notes to create Ray Charles as part of a college art project.

And this one where an entire room was covered. I really like this one.It makes the whole room look kind of fluffy and cloud-like.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Little Pony for Geeks

This is the coolest thing I've seen in a while! My little Pony mods for geeks. For instance, the Lady Gaga pony above!

the page takes a while to load becuase there are about 50 of these things, but they are all awesome.

Click here to see them!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Transformer Owl

If you haven't seen this, it's pretty cool. If you have seen it and you're like me, you want to see it again.

Transformer Owl

Hipster Puppies!

I know, I know, I haven't poted in almost a month! Well, readers, as many if not all of you know I am a full time nursing student in an accelerated program right now. We are a month into it and have 14 more months to go before we graduate! But, I can't think about that right now. I have to focus on this one week at a time, one assignment at a time. It's a LOT of work, but it is so interesting and it is SO worth it! At work yesterday, I put in a Foley catheter all by myself! And it worked! It felt amazing! It also gave me such a feeling of accomplishment. Only one month into the progam and I am able to do this skill fairly confidently. I can't even begin to imagine where I'll be in 14 months!

Anyhow, because I haven't posted anything in so long ( and it will likely be awhile before I can post again)I figured I'd post a few different things today.The first one is a site that is totally stupid, but more fun than it should be.

Hipster Puppies!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Weird News in Review (including our Dumb Criminal of the Week!)

Jesus Goes Up in Flames
A 62-foot tall statue of Jesus at the Solid Rock Church on I-75 near Cincinnati was sometimes called “Big Butter Jesus” or “Touchdown Jesus” because of his upstretched arms. Monday night, the statue was set ablaze by a bolt of lightning. The structure was made of foam and fiberglass over a steel frame. After the fire, only the frame remains. An adjacent amphitheater was damaged, and fish in the pond beneath the statue were killed. No one was injured. Police warn they will ticket anyone who stops on the interstate highway to take pictures of the damage.

Thief Steals Suit to Wear to Court
Phillip Northmore was facing shoplifting charges in Exeter, Devon, England. He didn’t want to wear jeans and a t-shirt to court, but that was all the clothing he had. So on the way to court, Northmore stole a pair of trousers, jacket, shirt and tie so he would look respectable as he faced the judge. Instead, the 26-year-old was arrested and later pled guilty to theft and other outstanding charges.

Woman Arrested for Mayonnaise Vandalism
Boise, Idaho has seen a series of vandalism incidents involving condiments over the past year. Joy L. Cassidy was arrested Sunday moments after she was spotted putting mayonnaise into the drive-through book drop at the Ada County Library. The 74-year-old woman is under investigation for previous incidents in which librarians found books covered with corn syrup and ketchup. She is suspected in up to ten other condiment crimes.

In Other Mayonnaise News
Authorities in Destin, Florida closed off a neighborhood and called in a HAZMAT team after two residents complained of trouble breathing and irritated eyes as they inspected their new home. They also reported a funny smell. Neighbors who were evacuated speculated that the cause might be a meth lab or a terrorist cell. The HAZMAT team found a large barrel which contained five gallons of rancid mayonnaise. It had been left by the previous residents of the home.

Man Calls 911 over Sasquatch Sighting
In the 1970s, Cleveland County, North Carolina had a slew of sightings of an mysterious Bigfoot-like animal that was dubbed “Knobby”. The stories died down until Tim Peeler called 911 to report that he had seen a giant ape with a man’s face in his yard. A Cleveland County deputy was dispatched to Peeler’s home, but did not find the Bigfoot. Peeler says he’ll be armed with a camera next time it happens. With video.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Ok,ok, I know I've been gone for almost a month. And, I know that is terrible. Unfortunately, loyal readers (or, perhaps, more correctly....reader)my posts will become much more inconsitent. School has begun again for me and while I am in active classes my time to post will be extremely limited. On the bright side, I am very excited about my clinical site and group! I am paired with some fabulous people! I'll update with more when we get further into clinicals and I have more to report.
In other news....

I found an interesting tidbit on MentalFloss about bone marrow transplants stopping compulsion in OCD mice! By transplanting bone marrow of healthy mice into those with compulsions, the mice stopped the compulsive behavior.The proccess worked in reverse, as well. Transplanting of bone marrow from OCD mice into healthy mice caused compulsion. This opens so many doors to understanding what causes, and what may eventually treat OCD in humans. Amazing.

Click here for the article.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dumb Criminal of the Week

James Rabbitz, pictured, is an EMT and ambulance driver who held up a Turkey Hill convenience store at knife point on Friday and made off with $200, according to police in Hazelton, PA.

The robbery was caught on the store's security camera and Rabbitz was swiftly identified as he was allegedly wearing his workplace uniform at the time of the crime.

He is being held on $25,000 bail.

His employer at Tech Transport had only the nicest things to say about Rabbitz and his work noting that he was a "great employee" who had "been employee of the month a number of times." Which I just feel compelled to add since it adds a slice of oddity.

Mark Twain said the "clothes make the man." In this case, they sure did. They made the man arrested.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Notes from Chris

Chris has problems. He's not afraid to talk about it, and he wants to talk with you about it. Notes from Chris is an ongoing art project where artist Todd Lamb posts "notes" all around New York City from a mysterious person named Chris. The official project page describes the project as " These are notes that I post around New York City from a mysterious man named Chris. Chris wants to do tedious things with people. He also has lots of problems." " “Notes From Chris” is the original project, started by Todd Lamb in 2008. This project is ongoing and new notes are always being made. Keep your eyes peeled, you may spot one on the street."

See the web page here.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Fox Steals Everyone's Shoes

Missing one of your shoes and just can’t seem to find it? If any foxes live in your area, perhaps you should check their holes. At least, that was the lesson recently learned by residents of the German town of Foehren.
A mother fox stole over 100 shoes from residents throughout the town and brought them back to her home for her youngsters to play with. Most of the shoes were still in good condition and the residents were happy to have them back, so it sounds like no one will be getting revenge in the form of fox slippers.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dumb Criminal of the Week

A mysterious man brandished a knife and used the weapon to make off with an undisclosed amount of cash from a convenience store, according to police in Lincoln, NE.

He also made headlines around the world for his disguise: a roll of two-ply toilet paper wrapped around his head.

Although the bathroom tissue trail went cold after the April 24 robbery, police now say Joshua Nelson is their man.

Nelson, 29, was arrested Saturday evening and charged with robbery and use of a weapon to commit a felony.

It's worth watching the video of Officer Katie Flood discuss the case just to hear the laughter in the room when she talks about the "beer box bandit": a criminal who used a beer box on his head as a mask.

Monday, May 10, 2010

8 Reasons Not to invite a Zombie to Your Dinner Party

I was in a meeting at work recently and since we were all from different departments around the hospital, they guy running the meeting decided that we needed to break the ice. To do this, we started it by him asking us one of those bullshit get-to know-you questions. You know the kind that are mildly interesting at best and have no possible application to real life? It was one of those. This time, the question was "If you could have lunch with anyone living or dead, who would it be and why?". This got me thinking. Why would anyone want to have dinner with a dead person? It made me think of this:
8 Reasons Never to Invite a Zombie to Your Dinner Party

1. They're always late.

Zombies are slow. They walk everywhere, which takes forever. Therefore, they show up late and ring the bell when you have already begun to serve appetizers.

2. They are picky eaters

The always want the same thing for dinner.

3. They have notoriously poor table manners.

Drooling blood is just poor ettiquite

4.They ask your other guests inappropriate questions

5. They make inappropriate advances on your other guests

6. They never help with the dishes.

7. They leave a mess wherever they go.

dripping blood and guts all over your carpet is so rude.

8. They never know when to leave.

Go home already.

Woman runs down Lord Jesus Christ


Driver cited for failure to yield to pedestrian

•Author: Barry Kriger
NORTHAMPTON, Mass. (WWLP) - Police say they checked the victim’s ID. Northampton police issued a traffic citation this week to a driver whose car hit Lord Jesus Christ.

It happened Tuesday on Main Street in front of Fitzwilly’s restaurant.

Northampton Police Lt. Michael Patenaude told 22News 50-year old Lord Jesus Christ of Belchertown was struck as he crossed Main Street around 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday.

Twenty-year old Brittany Cantarella of Pittsfield was cited for failure to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk.

Lord Jesus Christ was treated for facial injuries at Cooley Dickinson Hospital.

Lt. Patenaude said Lord Jesus Christ had a Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles identification card.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Tiger Totally Steals the Spotlight at the Ballet

Watch the tiger in the back left of the screen.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Because I Haven't Done one of These in a While...

Dumb Criminal of the Week!

As a general rule, no one is happy to receive a parking ticket.

But Alexander J. Bailey, of Medinah, IL, allegedly took that dissatisfaction to a whole poo new level.

According to the village employee who processes citations, Bailey, 22, returned his parking summons"smeared with feces," according to a village employee. Police charged Bailey with disorderly conduct. According to an article in the Daily Herald, it was unclear if Bailey had enclosed payment, possibly because he had definitely enclosed excrement.

Bailey was released after paying a $5,000 bond, which, for his sake, I hope he sent in via PayPal.

You can't say he didn't give a crap.

You're Doing it Wrong

A tribute to those people in infomercials tat can't seem to do the most basic of tasks correctly.

See the video here.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New Place!

Come see me on Tumblr! I'm eventually moving everything on this blog over there to make it easier to comment on my posts. Some people have complained that they are not able to comment on this one. Hopefully this helps!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Don't Call it a Comeback

I am back! We finally got internet again! I am so excited! As it turns out, it's a total drag not having a home connection. It's inconvenient. For those of you who don't know, I am starting work on my Nursing Program. We start Orientation this week. It was supposed to start Monday, but due to technical difficulties on UTA's end, it has been delayed. Apparently I was not the only one that had trouble connecting to the courses online.

More information to come!

PS-those are REAL nursing students from Assumption University of Thailand!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

While I'm gone...

Hey, so we moved in to our new place and the internet hasn't been set up yet. Until it is, I will have to take a very sad and unfortunate break from the blog. Boo Hiss. Never fear, I will be back again and blogging away soon! In the mean time, I've got to get ready to start orientation for my nursing program which starts Monday.

Also, for those of you who have had trouble commenting (ie, pretty much everyone), I am working on importing this blog to Tumblr, which should make it easier. I'll keep y'all updated and let you know when things get rolling on that.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fully Sick Rapper

Christiaan Van Vuuren of Sydney, Australia is isck. Fully sick. He's got a rare form of TB that requires extensive inpatient treatment in a hospital in quarantine. The problem? He's been there for 102 days so far. He's started making music videos about his experience to stave off his boredom and his latest one, "Fully Epic Rhapsody" shows signs of true stir craziness. His videos are funny and he's actually really talented.

Here's his second video, "Life in Quarantine".


Monday, April 5, 2010


I know everyone already knows, but I got to post it here as well! I got into the accelerated nursing program at UTA! In 15 short months, I will be Nurse Freeman! The accelerated program is a new institution at UTA, having been officially unveiled at the beginning of this year. The program is a blended online/in-class program with most class work being done online. I start this summer and will be done by the end of next summer! Hooray!

This is going to be, by far, the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life. I am going to be super busy for the next several months! I won't get a real break until this winter, but I love a challenge! So, knowing that time is going to be a challenge in the coming year, I know I want to maintain my blog. Now, here's my question to you, my maybe there readers, should shift me focus to blogging about attending Nursing school online? Because that's what I'm thinking about doing. Anyways, let me know if that sounds good to y'all or if I should keep things the way they are.

Here we go!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dumb Criminal of the Week

This week: A Trifecta of stupid!

John White, pictured, hit a trifecta of stupidity this week, according to police in Orem, UT.

He allegedly stole a two telephones from a gas station attendant and fled.

Mistake Numero Uno: White accidentally left a slip of paper with an address written on it at the crime scene, say police. They headed to that location to see if they might find White there.

But imagine the officers' gratitude when their easy day got even easier.

Mistake Deux: On the drive over, a young man flagged down their squad car to ask for directions to the very same address where they were heading. A closer look at the lost stranger revealed him to be none other than John White.

Mistake Tre: He was allegedly carrying pot, not to mention the stolen cell phone, when he was caught asking for directions.

One Orem officer noted, "I tell you, I can't make this stuff up."

Monday, March 29, 2010

Depressed Whale


I'm not sure how to describe this except for AWESOME.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I take it Back....

THIS is the dumbest criminal of the week:

Police report attempt to revive flattened opossum
By Jason Kessler, CNN
March 26, 2010 8:52 p.m. EDT

(CNN) -- A Pennsylvania man attempted to resuscitate "a road-killed opossum," state police say.
But this was one possum who wasn't playing possum -- the ugly creature remained dead.
Troopers responding to the scene in Oliver Township on Thursday determined that Donald J. Wolfe, 55, of Brookville, was drunk, according to the police report.
Several witnesses observed Wolfe's failed resurrection of the flattened marsupial, police said. It was not immediately clear how he endeavored to restore the possum's life.
The arresting officer in the incident was unavailable for comment Friday. Attempts to reach Wolfe were also unsuccessful.
Wolfe will be charged with one charge of public drunkenness, police said.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dumb Criminal of the Week

Carly A. Houston, pictured, earned herself a police escort to jail over the weekend after cops say she cursed out, threatened, and refused to pay a cab driver.

When the officer on duty gave the Chicago woman a cell phone to make her one call, did she phone a relative or friend to post her bail?

Nah. Houston allegedly dialed 911 to complain she was “trapped inside the detention facility.”

So of course, 911 operators quickly called the police so they could come and rescue her from the police.

Just kidding.

Houston, 29, was charged with theft of labor or services, criminal trespass to land and disorderly conduct.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Surfing Alpaca

I just feel that everyone should see this

Dogs! at 1000 Frames per Second

So, is it dogs,art or both? The title of the page asks this question. Actually, it's a Pedigree commercial, but it's funny. I say it's a little artsy as well. No matter what it is, it is worth a laugh. The expressions and detail caught by filming dogs at 1000 frames per second truly brings out their characters and shows why they are our best friends. Even as a current cat owner, I can appreciate dogs.

Here's the video.

Monday, March 22, 2010

And.......I'm back!

Ok, so you may have noticed that I was gone for spring break! Well, I wasn't gone, really. I was here, at home, but I was taking a break from all my usual activities. I still had my time filled, though! We are getting ready to move in a week or two, so I have been packing up the house. It's amazing how much stuff we had hanging around that either we didn't use, or was complete trash. We made a huge pile of items to give away to charity, and have taken out countless bags of trash so far. The worst part is that we're not done yet. We still need to pack up the office and most of the kitchen. Sigh, so much to do!

Also, I am still (emphasis on still) waiting to hear back from UTA about the nursing program. Still. I'm getting extremely frustrated with the situation, and the constant questions I get from everyone around me. I;m so sick of getting asked "Did you hear yet?" and having to answer "No, I'll tell you when I hear back", only to be asked again the next day. Grrrrr.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dumb Criminal of the Week

Allen Nguyen, pictured, allegedly stole $70 worth of Florida scratch-off lottery tickets from a Winter Haven Circle K store and was busted when he returned to the same store to cash in a winner.

The Polk County Sheriff’s office says one of the stolen tickets was worth $50 and when Nguyen returned to collect his prize, the clerk recognized him from a surveillance video and asked to see his driver’s license. She wrote down his information and called authorities.

Nguyen, 22, is charged with petit theft.

Lady Luck may have been on Nguyen’s side. But as they say, you just can’t fix stupid

Garfield Variations

Deep within the recesses of the internet can be found variations on Garfield. The beloved orange cat who has been in publication since June 1978 has been a fixture of Newspaper comic pages for the entirety of my life. Because of his status in American Culture, Garfield has spawned a number of variations, most of which are really funny!

Realfield (seen above) is a comic online which replaces Garfield the cat with a realistic (and silent) orange cat. the website is in Spanish, but all the comics are in english.

Garfield Minus Garfield is a comic strip in which the big orange cat has been deleted entirely. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be funny or not.

Finally, the Garfield Randomizer cuts up existing Garfield strips and pastes them together. It's pretty funny most of the time, but, of course, it is random. So you get what you get.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Godzilla Haiku

Godzilla as a blog where he posts his haiku poetry. He's pretty philosophical for a giant pre-historic monster. Well, he's funny at least. Godzilla seems to write into haiku form the thoughts I have found myself thinking at various times.

In other, Godzilla-related news, here is a site with funny godzilla pictures made with photoshop. Also, a collection of Godzilla merchandise seen here.

Enjoy a day of pre-historic monster antics!

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Poetry of Reality

Twelve scientists explain what science is and what it does. Yes, you could call it a lecture if you totally overlook the magic. Some great quotes from some of my scientific idols. This video comes from the Symphony of Science Project.

The Symphony of Science is a musical project headed by John Boswell designed to deliver scientific knowledge and philosophy in musical form. The project owes its existence in large measure to the wonderful work of Carl Sagan, Ann Druyan, and Steve Soter, of Druyan-Sagan Associates, and their production of the classic PBS Series Cosmos, as well as all the other featured figures and visuals.

Continuation of the music and videos relies upon generous support from fans and followers. You can make a donation if you wish to contribute support to the project. Thanks to everybody who has donated- enjoy what you find!

The Symphony of Science.

Obsolete Occupations

Careers that no longer exist, mainly due to advances in technology, which most of us no longer think about. But, it's pretty amazing when you think about it. Presentation by NPR.

See it Here.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Static Cat VS Balloon

See the video Here.

The Goofy music in the background makes this even better than it already is.

Dumb Criminal of the Week

When Lashamma Lawson of Albany, GA went to the Dougherty County jail on Monday she was busted for carrying 10 bags of marijuana in her purse, according to deputies.

Lawson, 24, was going to the jail to pick up her criminal background check for a new job when officers searched her purse at a security checkpoint.

Lawson said she forgot the pot was in there, according to the incident report.

I guess she’s going to have to make another trip to pick up an updated criminal background check.
Lawson was charged with possession of marijuana and crossing a guard line with a controlled substance.

Dumb question: what was her old job? Drug dealer?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Human Oddities

The Human Marvels is a blog featuring unusual people throughout the ages. Mostly circus performers or members of "freak shows", these individuals have unusual medical anomalies that make them truly remarkable. In addition to a picture of each person, an entire biography is included.

see the site here.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dumb Criminal of the Week

It's that time again! Time for the Dumb Criminal of the Week! This week, I present to you:

Arizona police say Jarad Desanti, George Brabakos and Robert Jeter, pictured left to right, staged an elaborate plan to steal 200 gallons of gasoline.
The threesome allegedly used a van equipped with a false floor, siphoning equipment and a 450 gallon tank outside a Circle K in Phoenix, AZ.
The van, however, was leaking fuel and when an alarm at the station sounded, a clerk called the cops.
When police arrived on the scene they reportedly found a gun and the three men. Two of them were siphoning gas. Jeter was in the van passed out from the fumes.

I guess they were just missing the gas masks.

The three men are charged with armed burglary.

As usual, all stories of dumb criminals come from Dumb as a Blog.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Food for Thought

Among the gazillions of food blogs are some that always feature a subject you know and love -as long as you know and love what the blogger has chosen to write about. When a blogger has a passion for a specific subject, they have no trouble finding enough material, no matter how narrow the chosen subject. Even if it’s only one particular dish.

“Bento” is Japanese for lunchbox, and “Kyaraben” or “Charaben” means character bento, or lunches that look like works of art. Anna the Red's is a Bento maker that truly makes food into art. (Babar Bento box shown above)

There’s no shortage of excessive foods, and the recent trend of combining rich foods into a overindulgent culinary orgy is a sure way to get attention on the internet (remember the Luther Burger?). This is Why You’re Fat collects those incidences of outrageous calorie consumption for your amusement. At least it’s supposed to be for amusement. Shown are Bacon Cheese Turtleburgers, a combination of ground beef, cheese, and bacon with hot dog limbs.

This next blog definitely strikes a chord with me, as a hospital employee. I never hear the end of the complaints about the food. Now, I think that, for hospital food, my hospital’s cafeteria isn’t too bad. Although, some patient’s are impossible to please. Hospital Food is a photo blog that shows you what hospital patients are eating all over the world, mostly submitted by readers.

What’s for School Lunch? is a similar blog with some information about each meal. Both blogs will make you consider moving to France.

Monday, February 22, 2010

For those with a penchant for the humorously grotesque, you may want to check out the blog Cannibal Weekly. Entries range from the benefits of consuming blood, to restaurant ideas for the cannibalistically inclined, to deciding which of your friends to eat.

It's sickly funny, which I really enjoy. It's the kind of funny you can feel bad about enjoying. But you won't.

See the Blog Here.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dumb Criminal of the Week

How was your Valentine's Day? Did you get drunk and drive to a jail to request a conjugal visit with an inmate? No? Good. Because that would be stupid. Read on:

Denise Rutledge, pictured, was highly intoxicated when she drove to a jail on Sunday to request a conjugal visit with an inmate, according to police in Flagler County, FL.

First of all, the jail doesn’t allow conjugal visits, and secondly, deputies say Rutledge was acting oddly enough to merit following her to the parking lot.

She reportedly failed a field sobriety test and her blood-alcohol content was a .256, which is more than three times Florida’s legal limit.

Rutledge, 45, was charged with DUI and later released on $500 bond.

The good news?: I totally think I found Denise a love match. She should definitely hook up with the guy from Iowa who allegedly sauntered into a police station reeking of booze just to pick up some forms.

St. Louis Du Ha! Ha!

Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha! is a parish in the regional county municipality of Témiscouata, Quebec, near the south shore of the Saint Lawrence River in Canada. It is located southeast of Rivière-du-Loup and west of Cabano along the Trans-Canada Highway(Route 185), about halfway to Edmundston in New Brunswick.
The population of Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha! is 1,471. Its economy is mainly agricultural. Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha!'s motto is Solidaire dans le labeur, French for Solidarity in work.

A Catholic mission was started here in 1860, and the town was named in 1874. The name has nothing to do with laughter, but rather from an old French word for unexpected barrier or dead end. The "dead end" refers to Lac Temiscouata, 8 km to the east, where early canoe travellers were forced to begin an 80 km overland portage to Notre Dame de Portage on the St Lawrence.

The town is small and close knit, with a few small businesses and not much to speak of in tourism, but the quirky name has kept it on the map. St. Louis du Ha! Ha! Is the only place in North America whose name includes two exclamation points.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Living to 100 Years old

I read an interesting article in TIME magazine about centenarians. (people who live to 100 years old) It cited research that said living to a ripe old age is a process that has two factors. Genetics is definitely a factor, accounting for 30% of a persons ability to age gracefully to 100, but behaviors and habits account for 70% of this ability. So, even if you have short-lived genes, you can extend your life by having healthy habits.

This picture, by the way, is a group of siblings all from the same family that are part of the aging study, called the Long Life Family Study (LLFS). This picture includes Six of the eight Hurlburt siblings all of which live in New England, including Peggy (79), Helen (88), Millie (93), Peter (80), Agnes (96) and Muriel (89).

The study included many previously examined reasons for healthy aging including caloric restriction ( the idea that an extremely low-calorie, high nutrition diet prolongs life. more info here) and the tried-and-true healthy diet, regular exercise, and mental agility training method we all know and love. It appears that certain aspects of both of these methods have some truth to them. To stay healthy, a good diet is key. We all know this. But, the debate centers around what, exactly, that diet should contain. Along with diet, we all know exercise is key to a healthy body, but research shows that exercise can also help keep a healthy mind. The study showed that seniors who regularly exercised with resistance or weights had greater mental acuity.

Another key to healthy aging that was mentioned in the article was one that I have been told many times by my own elderly family members. Learning and activity keeps the mind sharp. Elderly people who keep regular hobbies and activities including social interactions have greater mental acuity and problem solving skills. Learning a new language or skill after middle age appears to be a valuable component in healthy aging.

Of course, the issue is extremely complicated and not totally understood yet, but the article raised some very interesting points. For the full article, click here.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dumb Criminal of the Week

Suspicious activity happens at Waffle Houses all across the country, especially, it seems, around 3 AM. Even celebs like Kid Rock can’t seem to behave themselves there. And Monday morning in Kingsport, TN was no different.

That’s when police were tipped off to some suspicious activity, and pulled over a car with Haile O. Dujon, pictured, sitting in the backseat. Problem #1 for Haile, according to cops: he reeked of booze and pot, Problem #2: he was allegedly carrying around nearly $3,500 worth of cash, and Problem #3: he couldn’t keep his balance when asked to get out of the car, police say.

Dujon denied he had smoked pot or had any weed in his possession. But when cops took him in for a strip search, they say they found a bag of pot and two bags of pills hidden in his dreadlocks.

So now Dujon, 29, isn’t only charged with possession of drugs and possession of drugs for resale. He’s also charged with introducing narcotics into a penal facility.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Valentine's Day!

So, Valentine's day is coming up fast! In fact, it is 6 days away. (Yikes!) I'm not too worried, though, I've got my husband's gift covered. I got him this funny t-shirt from www.thinkgeek.com. It works for him on many levels. First, that equation at the bottom is the real equation for finding the volume of a disc. Also, it spells pizza. V=pi*z*z*a. It's genius, I know!

Now, I'll try and wrap it up real nice and throw in something a little more romantic as well, but I think I did pretty good this year! I have no idea what our plans are for the holiday, but I'm sure it will be great. We've now officially made it though our first 6 months of marriage and we haven't killed each other yet. I think that calls for a celebration. If nothing else, it sets a pretty good precedent.

I really enjoy Valentine's day on a level not limited to my marriage. I like handing out baked goods and paper hearts and, at least jokingly, sharing the love with all my special somebodies. (also known as all my girls!) I think I just remember elementary school, and how much fun it was to make a fancy construction paper and lace covered drug-store card Valentine receptacle out of an old shoe box with a hole cut in the top. I remember sifting though all the valentines I got and thinking about how the style chosen usually reflected the sender's personality very well. I know some hated it, but I loved the fact that we had to give a valentine to everyone. I always got a secret joy out of giving the extra-nice valentine with my favorite character or picture or cool hologram on it to that shy dorky, sometimes kind of weird kid that no one really liked to talk to. You know, the one that was inevitably in every class? The real life Ralph Wiggum in every elementary class. Sometimes, that kid was me, but when it wasn't, I liked to give them a little something extra to make them feel special.

As for more recent Valentine's Days, it has become less and less of a big deal. On campus, no one is dressed up special or handing out paper cut-out hearts or drugstore valentines. I think everyone tries to protect the feelings of the single folks. I thin people have made Valentine's day an at-home kind of thing so as not to upset friends without a "special somebody". I plan on enjoying myself anyways, though. I'm planing on baking some valentine's sugar cookies to hand out at my husband's job (very small group of coworkers) and getting some ridiculous and very childish valentines to hand out at work. (I'm pretty close friends with all my coworkers)

All things considered, I am excited for Valentine's Day this year. Happy Valentine's Day!